The Prophet PBUH has told us that Sadaqa does not decrease wealth. The Quran encourages spending in the path of Allah to safeguard ourselves from the challenges of the Hereafter, and to make our life here prosperous.

Currently, we are in need of expanding our facility to accommodate a sisters’ prayer area, and a few classrooms for Abrar Academy. Your donations will be a Sadaqa e Jariya, which means that they will become an everlasting source of reward for you and your generations to come.


All donations are used towards funding the day-to-day activities and financing a permanent place for a Masjid. 
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 Click here to donate via Paypal.

To Donate via Check and Cash

Make checks payable to Darul Iman and mail it to below address.
638 Grand Canyon Dr, Madison, WI-53719

Deposit through Bank

Routing Number: 075900575
Account number: 2213276971
Bank: Associated Bank

Donations though online

To establish a reoccurring monthly donation, download the form here and complete and return it either by mail or email AND/OR,
submit the amount by selecting desired option from the below table

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